Terms and Conditions

At Party Sounds, we pride ourselves on the quality of our product and more importantly, the quality of our service. Your feedback is important to us. Please be sure to carefully read the terms and conditions below, safeguarding yourself for any eventuality.

1. Hire Period.

Hiring commences at the time the equipment is delivered to the Hirer and then picked-up from the Hirer and back in the hands of the Owner (Party Sounds). After hours/weekend enquiry’s phone, 021428143

2. Hiring Charges.

In the absence of any special arrangements to the contrary, equipment is hired on a daily or weekend rate.

3. Deposit, Payment and Identification.

A minimum of $100 is required within 3 days of your Booking. Please note your booking is not confirmed until we have received your deposit. Any damage to the equipment whilst in the care of the Hirer, will be billed to the hirer directly. Late returns, will incur a full day hire charge.

The Hirer by accepting the equipment agrees to the terms and conditions as laid down by the Owner and agrees to pay any costs of collection and all legal fees incurred by the Owner in the event of legal action becoming necessary.

4. Cancellation Policy

If your party is canceled less than two weeks prior we reserve the right to retain the deposit. If your party is canceled 24hrs before your party date then full payment is required. All staff and contractors to Party Sounds are covered by our Public Liability Insurance Policy.

5. Postponement policy:

Please note we cannot postpone any party due to weather on the day. If a postponement due to sickness is required, whilst we will work on best endeavours to accommodate, please note that there is no guarantee around this and therefore a loss of deposit may occur. 

6. Care Of Equipment And Breakdowns.

a) The Hirer shall take the proper care of the equipment. In the event of the equipment being damaged, the Hirer shall pay to the Owner a sum equivalent to the cost of making good said damage. In the event of the equipment being lost or stolen while on hire to the Hirer then the Hirer shall pay the Owner a sum equivalent of replacing the equipment.

The Hirer warrants that they are competent and qualified to use the equipment in the way in which it is designed.

b) Breakdowns resulting from misuse shall not in any circumstances shorten the period of hire.

c) It is the Hirer’s responsibility to satisfy themselves that the equipment is suitable for the work intended.

d) The equipment does not purport to be new stock or equal to new, but when sent out all items are understood to be in good condition and fit for normal use.

e) The Owner is not liable for any loss suffered by the Hirer or liability incurred by the Hirer as a result of the breakdown of the equipment caused by the hirer. Not withstanding the foregoing, any liability attached to the Owner under this agreement shall be limited to the amount of hire charges due. In the event of a breakdown the Hirer must immediately notify the Owner by telephone 021428143.

7. Injury Or Damage To Hirer Or Third Persons Or Property.

The Hirer shall not have any claim to the Owner for loss or damage suffered by the Hirer as a result of the Hirer’s use of the equipment and further the Hirer will indemnify the Owner against any claim by a third person in respect of any loss, injury or liability arising out of the use of the equipment hired by the Hirer.

8. No Assignment Of Hire Agreement.

This agreement is personal to the Hirer and is not capable of assignment by them, and the Hirer shall not sublet the equipment to any other person, but shall not prevent employees of the Hirer using the equipment by the Hirer.

9. No Warranties By Owner.

The owner makes no warranty or representations as to the state, quality or fitness of the equipment for any purpose and no such warranty shall be implied by the description of the equipment on the face of this form. All implied warranties and conditions as to the state, quality or fitness of the equipment for any purpose are hereby excluded.

10. Noise Control

The Hirer is responsible for collection and all monies owed for the recovery of equipment if they find themselves in breach of Noise control resulting in equipment confiscation. It is there responsibility to recover equipment and all costs involved. You will also be
required to pay costs for normal daily hiring rates until the equipment is back in the owners property.

In the case of a person entering into this contract in a private capacity as Hirer, the Hirer by entering into this contract hereby
authorises the disclosure of personal information regarding this credit worthiness by any other party to the Owner and that this personal information may be used by the Owner to advise the Hirer of the Owner’s other goods and services. The Hirer has rights to access to and correct personal information contained in this contract, subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993.

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